摘 要: 为提高华东区域自动气象站快速共享及显示查询效率,重点研究数据库引擎优化技术、自动站插值与GIS 信息叠加技术及实况信息警示技术。在探讨适用于自动站数据显示方法的基础上,设计并开发了华东区域自动气象站 显示查询系统。平台基于B/S架构设计多层框架模型,结合.NET技术和Oracle数据库技术,实现对华东区域六省一市 1200多个自动站的融合显示查询及多级自动报警等功能。系统多年来业务运行稳定,为区域短时临近天气预报业务及灾 害天气早发现提供重要分析基础。 |
关键词: Oracle;自动气象站;自动警示 |
中图分类号: TP399
文献标识码: A
The Technology of Automatic Weather Station's Display and Warning in East China |
HUA Yunzi,LIN Hong
( Shanghai Meteorological Center, Shanghai 200030, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of fast sharing and inquiry in automatic weather stations in east China,this paper focuses on database engine optimization technology,interpolation and GIS information overlapping technology and warning information technology.After exploring suitable data displaying methods for automatic weather stations,the paper designs and develops a data inquery system for automatic weather stations in east China.The platform designs a multilayered frame model based on B/S architecture and combines.NET and Oracle database technology.This system realizes the real time aggregated inquiry and the multi-level automatic alarming function for more than 1200 automatic weather stations in east China.The system has been smoothly working for several years,which provides the significant analytical basis for the latest weather forecast and the disaster weather prediction. |
Keywords: oracle;AWS;automatic warning |