摘 要: 为提高甘肃陇中黄土丘陵沟壑地区旱地春小麦的产量和水分利用效率,本研究在定西市安定区凤翔镇 安家沟村设立了试验区,根据该地区长期的气象和灌溉实验数据,采用APSIM(Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator)模型和DPS(Data Processing System)软件进行动态模拟,分析了6种灌溉情景下春小麦的产量和水分利用率,并对产量与灌水量进行拟合分析,以确定最佳灌量。研究发现,在仅考虑高产的情况下,干旱年200.00mm处理产量最大;在正常年和润水年,150.00mm处理产量最大。综合考虑高产与灌溉水利用效率的情况下,干旱年、正常年和润水年的最适灌水量分别为194.33mm、185.43mm和174.75mm,对应产量提高率和水分利用效率分别提高了184.88%和10.69kg/(hm2·mm)、152.58%和11.36kg/(hm2·mm)、111.99%和12.00kg/(hm2·mm)。因此,合理灌溉对于提升农业生产效益具有重要意义。 |
关键词: 春小麦;APSIM小麦模型;产量;水分利用效率;陇中黄土丘陵沟壑区;灌溉制度 |
中图分类号: TP391.7
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 国家自然基金项目(32360438);甘肃省拔尖领军人才项目(GSBJLJ-2023-09);甘肃省重点研究发展计划(22YF7FA116) |
Impact of Irrigation Regimeson Yieldand Water Use Efficiency of Spring Wheat Under Different Precipitation Years Basedon the APSIM Mode |
ZOU Haoyue, LIU Qiang
(College of Information Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China )
1203357054@qq.com; liuq@gsau.edu.cn
Abstract: In order to improve the yield and water use efficiency of spring wheat in the dryland areas of the Loess Hilly and Gully Region of Central Gansu, an experimental area in Anjiagou Village, Fengxiang Town, Anding District, Dingxi City has been established for this study. Based on long-term meteorological and irrigation experimental data from the region, the APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator) model and DPS (Data Processing System) software are used for dynamic simulation to analyze the yield and water use efficiency of spring wheat under six irrigation scenarios. A fitting analysis of yield and irrigation amount is conducted to determine the optimal irrigation volume. It is found that under high-yield considerations, the biggest yield in drought years occurs with a treatment of 200.00 mm; in normal and wet years, the highest yield is achieved with a treatment of 150.00 mm. When considering both high yield and irrigation water use efficiency, the optimal irrigation amounts for drought, normal, and wet years are 194.33 mm,185.43 mm, and 174.75 mm, respectively, corresponding to enhancements in yield and water use efficiency of 184.88% and 10.69 kg/(hm2 ·mm), 152.58% and 11.36 kg/(hm2 ·mm), and 111.99% and 12.00 kg/(hm2 ·mm). Therefore, reasonable irrigation is of great significance for enhancing agricultural production efficiency. |
Keywords: spring wheat; APSIM wheat model; yield; water use efficiency; loess hilly and gully region of Central Gansu; irrigation regime |