《软件工程》ICIIP 2018征稿启事
CFP forSoftware Engineering
《软件工程》创刊于1998年,由东北大学主办,辽宁省教育厅主管,月刊,国家首批认定的学术期刊。国内出版物号:CN 21-1603/TP;国际出版物号:ISSN 2096-1472;CODEN:RGUOAX。期刊被中国知网数据库(CNKI)、万方数据—数字化期刊、中国期刊全文数据库(CJFD)全文收录,中国学术期刊综合评价数据库(CAJCED)统计源期刊。
Software Engineering(ISSN 2096-1472; CN21-1603/TP; CODEN: RGUOAX; Frequency: monthly)is an academic journal directed byNortheastern University and under the charge of Department of Education of Liaoning Province. The first issue of Software Engineering was published in 1998.The full articles published in Software Engineering are included in CNKI (Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure),Wanfang Data and CJFD (Chinese Journal Fulltext Database). Software Engineering is included in CAJCED (Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database).
为了更好地将ICIIP 2018会议及相关成果向国内相关领域专家学者展示和交流,《软件工程》杂志特面向本次会议开展征稿活动。征稿主题包括但不限于以下内容:
In order to present theICIIP 2018and the relevant research findings to domestic experts and scholars in the best way,Software Engineeringdecides to announce this call for papers.Prospective authors are invited to submit research papers in the following areas,but not limited to:
ØSoftware Engineering
ØArtificial Intelligence
ØInternet Computing
ØBig Data
(1) 原创中文稿件可投稿到《软件工程》。
(2) 本次会议未收录稿件符合本次会议主题的可直接投稿至《软件工程》。
(3) 投稿方式:请登录《软件工程》官方网站 (http://www.rjgczz.com),投稿页面中按要求提交,并请注明是“ICIIP 2018会议稿件”。
(4) 截稿日期:2018年5月31日。
(5) 审稿及刊登:本次征稿活动收到稿件将优先审稿。
(1) The Original Chinese edition paper is allowed to be submitted to Software Engineering.
(2) The unaccepted manuscript of the ICIIP 2018 which matchestheconference topics can be directly submitted to Software Engineeringfor reviewing.
(3)Submission Method:Please visit the official website of Software Engineering(http://www.rjgczz.com) and click Submission. Please indicate“ICIIP 2018 CFP”, and then submit your manuscript.
(4)Submission Deadline:May31, 2018
(5)The paper submitted for the ICIIP 2018will be givenreview priority.